what is


the difference between Yams and Sweet Potatoes?
Many authorities have opined
 on this weighty subject. For instance, seehttp://zoebakes.com/2008/11/21/the-sweet-potato-vs-yam-debate-on-nprs-weekend-america/ 
and https://www.webstaurantstore.com/blog/3080/sweet-potato-vs-yam.html  for the technical differences.

But artistically speaking, the answer is clear. Yams have more character!

Yam with Gouge

30 x 24

(Formal Arrangement #1 )

Four views of the same Yam.  2007



to the Yam Art Museum.  Here is probably the largest collection of Yam paintings in the world, plus other works, all in Acrylic.

[Yam Art Museum]

                                        Holy Toledo, where are we now? 
Welcome to the Yam Art Museum, lady!                            
Say, can you hand me that bug?                                          
                                                         And who might you be?
Why, I'm the Fish with Booties, the Museum Mascot!  
And who be-ith oo?

I am Sage   

"YAM" museums are
Yellowstone Art Museum   
yellowstone.artmuseum.org  and the Yankee Air Museum

Not to Mention
for amazing fiddle music